The most useful aspect of CALL has been the exposure to the amount of resources available online. Whether or not each of the tools we signed up for will be used for instruction is secondary. The idea of being introduced to what is public and available is useful because when the resources are needed, I know where to find them. Setting up accounts with Youtube, Twitter, Second Life, etc, have saved us all the time of learning about them and registering for them when the time comes to use them.
The second aspect of the class I found most useful is the exposure to blogs. Implementing the use of blogs in an ESL classroom is a useful resource. Students will be able to journal whenever they want, wherever they want. They will have the benefit of editing their own work multiple times, without having to worry about rewriting the entire entry by hand. This is also beneficial for the instructor, in that there will be no need to carry around multiple notebooks, and return them in a timely fashion. Students can comment on each other's blogs as they please, and receive immediate feedback on their work. I found to be an easily accessible blogsite, and my exposure to it in this class has been extremely beneficial.
I agree with you about the usefulness of blogs in language learning. I like the fact that they can be accessed from any computer and allow for feedback from the instructor and fellow students.