Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Language Learning Videos

For the first blog, I assumed the role of a native English speaker attempting to learn Arabic. I found a video clip that instructs you on how to make a popular Arabic appetizer. The speaker of the video spoke rather quickly, especially in the beginning. A student would need a good amount of Arabic to understand what he was saying. What I like about the video is that it has visuals that correspond with the spoken instructions. The ingredients and the amount required are written on the bottom right of the screen, so the learner can read the words and numbers while simultaneously listening to them be read. Overall, I would say the video has potential, but may be too difficult for lower levels.

For the second video, I assumed the role of a teacher teaching an Arabic course. I chose a video with a man giving out his address and phone number. This video is more clear- cut than the first video, partly because students can see the speaker in this video, rather than just hear his voice. He also speaks much slower than the first video's speaker did, so he's easier to understand. I think this is a more valuable resource than the first one, because the instructions and information given by the speaker are simpler and more straightforward than the first. Because he's just giving names and numbers, students will be able to comprehend the information much quicker.

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